Query Types, Criteria and Destinations

The panel on the left of the Data Explorer screen contains four different functions, namely:

  • Query Type selector which allows you to select the type of query that you would like to run from a predefined list that includes:
    • Employees
    • Labour Costing
    • Leave
    • Human Resources
    • Wages Analysis
    • OHS
  • Selection which allows you to choose from several options or categories within each query type. These include:
  • Query Type Selection Options
    • Employees Details
    • Employee Std Deductions
    • Employee Std Pay Items
    • Employee Address/Phone
    • Employee Super Details
    • Employee Work Patterns
    • Employee Banking Details
    • Employee Contacts
    • Employee Std Rate History

    Labour Costing

    • Costing Totals
    • Pay Item Totals
    • Employee Costing Totals
    • Employee Costing Totals (Server Mode)
    • Leave Dates
    • Leave Entitlements
    • Leave History
    • Leave Movements
    • Leave Request
    • Other Leave Entitlements
    Human Resources
    • Employee Events
    • Employee Property
    • Employee Skills
    • Employee Training
    • Head count
    • Institutions
    • Institutions Contacts
    • Position Address and Phone
    • Position Incumbent Analysis
    • Positions & Incumbents
    • Property Analysis
    • Skills Analysis
    • Staff Turnover (New Starters)
    • Staff Turnover (Terminations)
    • Training Cost Analysis
    • Training Usage Analysis
    Wages Analysis
    • Wages Analysis - Summary
    • Wages Analysis - Detailed
    • Wages Analysis - Detailed (Server Mode)
    • General Ledger
    • GL Provision
    • Consolidated Timesheets
    • Weekly Timesheets
    • Worked Hours
    • Worked Hours Decimal
    • Jobcosting
    • Employee YTD - Summary
    • Employee YTD - Detailed
    • Actions (Combined)
    • Audits & Meetings
    • Audits & Meetings Actions
    • Hazard Actions
    • Hazards
    • Incident Actions
    • Incident Injuries
    • Incident Witnesses
    • Incidents
    • Location Committees
    • Location Personnel
    • Location Plant
    • Locations
    • Plant
    • Plant Actions
    • Plant Employees
    • Plant Suppliers

    The queries Employee Costing Totals and Wage Analysis - Detailed return the largest volume of transactional data. For large companies (e.g. thousands of employees), a query for the entire financial year may return in excess of 2 million rows of data. The two Server Mode versions of these queries execute much faster as they do not attempt to return the entire data set, rather they “page in” the pages of data as requested by the user. Note: you cannot ‘Expand all’ on these server mode queries if you have more than 100,000 records in your query grid.

  • Criteria: each pre-defined query allows you to specify the selection criteria for the query. For example, you can specify the companies that you want to include in the current query as well as various financial periods. The options displayed will vary depending on the query selected.
  • Select Destination: this gives you a choice of two destinations for the query. These include:
    • Report Grid which is the default destination and displays the information in a grid form with data fields.
    • Crosstab Analyser which is part of the optional Advanced Reporting module and allows you to perform customised crosstab reporting and data analysis.

Note. If you are selecting the Query Types Labour Costing or Wages Analysis, you will need to apply specific filtering. See Filtering for Labour Costing and Wages Analysis for more information.

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